The Burford Files

The Burford Blog is our first collective attempt at creative writing. Herbert Burfurd, a middle age paper clip salesman, first appeared in our lives shortly after we were married. As newly weds, our single car status provided us the opportunity to experience the morning commute as a couple. On one exceptionally average day, while trudging through the morning traffic, we noticed a particularly disappointed looking middle age man driving a particularly disappointing brown sedan pacing us on the 1-215 freeway. This quirky, strangely heroic, polyester wearing character came to life as we imagined the past, present, and future of a man in the right hand lane. Over the last two plus years, while traveling near and far, we have been inspired to unearthed more fascinating details of a man that all of us, and none of us, really know. Herbert Burford, finding satisfaction in an unsatisfying life.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Basics of Burford: The Early Years

First Name: Herbert
Middle Initial: B
Last Name: Burford

Date of Birth: November 17, 1947

Place of Birth: Ririe, Idaho

Elementary School: Payson Elementary
Elementary School Mascot: Payson Pilgrims

Middle School: Payson Jr. High

High School: Payson High School
High School Mascot: Mighty Lions

College: College of Eastern Kansas University
Major: Mining Science
Minor: History

Military Service: Merchant Marine*

Father: Elzer Joachim Burford
Mother: Etta MaeLou Smithfield Burford
Siblings (in birth order):
Twins - Charlene & Marlene
Brother - Don Carlos
Sister - Darlene
Brother - Quince
Brother - Ubermeyer
Brother - LaRobert, a.k.a. LaBob

10 Year Gap

Brother - Daedalus
Brother - Elzer jr.